'math+econ+code' masterclass
on optimal transport
and economic applications
January 10-14, 2022
This intensive course, part of the ‘math+econ+code’ series, is focused on models of demand, matching models, and optimal transport methods, with various applications pertaining to labor markets, economics of marriage, industrial organization, matching platforms, networks, and international trade, from the crossed perspectives of theory, empirics and computation. It will introduce tools from economic theory, mathematics, econometrics and computing, on a needs basis, without any particular prerequisite other than the equivalent of a first year graduate sequence in econ or in applied math.
Because it aims at providing a bridge between theory and practice, the teaching format is somewhat unusual: each teaching “block” will be made of a mix of theory and coding (in Python), based on an empirical application related to the theory just seen. Students will have the opportunity to write their own code, which is expected to be operational at the end of each block. This course is therefore closer to cooking lessons than to traditional lectures.
Practical information
The course will be taught over five consecutive days, Jan 10-14 2022, 8am-12pm NY time, 2pm-6pm Paris time.
Additionally, five special lectures will be taught online on a monthly basis afterwards. Precise days of the lectures will be announced later.
Materials from last's year session are here.
The instructor is Alfred Galichon (professor of economics and of mathematics at NYU and principal investigator of the ERC-funded project 'equiprice' at Sciences Po), and the TA is Clement Montes (Sciences Po).
Applications are now closed.
Course outline
Day 1: Linear programming fundamentals
The diet problem
Optimal assignments and the Becker model
Intro to the toolchain: docker, github, jupyter
The Gurobi library
Day 2: Optimal transport
Monge-Kantorovich duality
Entropic regularization, the IPFP algorithm
Semi-discrete case, Aurenhammer's algorithm
Day 3: Discrete choice models
Discrete choice models and their inversion
Generalized linear models
Regularization and model selection: LASSO, elastic nets, etc.
The scikit-learn library
Day 4: Demand estimation
The pure characteristics model
Berry-Levinsohn-Pakes' random coefficient logit model
The pyblp package
Day 5: Matching estimation and the gravity equation
The Choo and Siow model and its offsprings
Matching estimation and the gravity equation
+ 5 special lectures
Networks 1
Networks 2
Dynamic programming 1
Dynamic programming 2
Quantile methods
Advanced lectures
Special lecture 1
Networks 1
January 28 2022
4-6pm Paris time /
10am-noon NY time
Introduction to networks
Topology on networks
Markov chains on networks
The networkx and the osmnx libraries
Special lecture 2
Dynamic programming 1
February 18 2022
4-6pm Paris time /
10am-noon NY time
Finite-horizon dynamic programming
Backward and forward induction
Linear programming formulation
Special lecture 3
Networks 2
March 25 2022
4-6pm Paris time /
10am-noon NY time
Finite-horizon dynamic programming
Min-cost flow problems
Shortest path problems
The Bellman-Ford and Dijkstra algorithms
Special lecture 4
Dynamic programming 2
April 15 2022
4-6pm Paris time /
10am-noon NY time
(Guest speaker: Richard Faltings)
Infinite-horizon dynamic programming
Unit discount rate
Linear programming and LCP formulation
Special lecture 5
Quantile methods
May 20 2022
2-4pm Paris time /
8-10am NY time
Quantiles and optimal transport
Classical quantile regression
Vector quantile regression